

Never, ever leave your comfort zone

By | Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development

Poor Goldfish – who knows what’s coming?

This poor freshwater goldfish is about to leap into the sea and although the water might look similar to his current environment, it will be fatal for him.

I was privileged to speak at the inaugural South Wales DisruptHR event last night, beautifully organised by Insight.  Preparing for the presentation caused me to make a serious pause and consider how taking a new perspective can challenge our thinking.

This is how it goes….

We are constantly told to ‘push the envelope’, ‘step outside our comfort zone’, ‘define stretch objectives’.  We exist in working and living environments that are constantly challenging us to do more, work smarter, be more productive, change, take on new responsibilities, grow and develop on a personal as well as professional level.  This can be exhausting and it can be stressful.

Let me rewind for a moment and put this to you: the commonest requests for help through my coaching conversations revolve around confidence and self-belief.

You can NOT hand out confidence and self-belief to people, but you CAN take it away.

I could talk or write for ages on why this is so and draw on examples from sport as well as from organisations and work.  Perhaps more helpfully, here I will offer some ideas that’ll help you to make a start in understanding how you can develop confidence and self-belief. (And let’s be honest, if we have those two amazing attributes, then the world is our oyster isn’t it?)

So, why stay in your comfort zone?

First – it is safe. You know what you are doing, you can run on auto-pilot and life is relatively predictable.

Second – if you can run on auto, this will give you space and time to think and reflect on what is good, what you enjoy, what you are good at, and to see what opportunities are available.

Third – you can be the expert. You can do what you do well and continue to be good at it.  The trick here is to use the space you have created from familiarity and ease to recognise that you are good at certain things.

Fourth – ask yourself how you came to be expert.  Did you plan this from the outset? Did you take opportunities that arose?  How far have you come? Did you expect to be at this point now?

Standing on the Cantilever Stone

Fifth – which are  the things that make you happiest? What are the things that bring you joy?

Sixth – is this YOUR choice? If not, then whose is it and why? What more do YOU want?

If you can answer all those questions and truly reflect on all the things you do well, then you might start to look at opportunities that aren’t available to you yet. You have confidence in what you are already doing and if you decide to move onto new plans then you can take that with you and build on it at your own pace. (Just as you have done in the past to get to today).

So, don’t hurry out of your comfort zone – use it to embrace all that you are now.  Enjoy and celebrate what you can do and how far you have already come.  Then and only then, you (and only you) can decide on what you want to do next.  You are prepared to take steps outside your comfort zone.

Only leave your comfort zone when You want to



So let’s suggest to the gold fish that he leaps from a small bowl to a larger one – not out into the sea.

QUIETLY CONFIDENT – a four week course to help you really enjoy riding your horse

By | Coaching and Mentoring, Sports coaching

This Autumn we are stepping out of the norm and creating a course which includes Zoom lessons linked to practical lessons.  We’ll discuss technical ideas on a Monday night and then put our learning into practice on the Wednesday evening.  There’s a discount for signing up to the full course, or you can book on a week by week basis – whatever is easiest.

Alison Payne will be using modern approaches to learning to help you discover practical ways to get the most out of your time with your equine friend.


Each week has a Monday evening Zoom discussion for 30-40 minutes, then a Wednesday evening session in the indoor school at Park Dressage, Goytre

Course cost: £110 for all eight sessions or £28 for one week (one Zoom and one  lesson)

Certificate for completing all eight sessions


Zoom: 7pm Mon 5th Oct, Lesson: 5, 6 or 7pm Wed 7th  Oct

It’s easier than you think! Find out about the rules for competing and discover what the judge really wants to see


Zoom: 7pm Mon 19th Oct, Lesson: 5,6 or 7pm Wed 21st Oct

Ride accurate circles, centre-lines and test movements to up your competition marks and develop your training to the next level


Zoom  Mon 2nd Nov, Lesson Wed 4th Nov

Improve your communication with your horse : learn how to channel your aids effectively for balance and connection


Zoom: 7pm Mon 16th Nov, Lesson: 5, 6 or 7pm Wed 18th Nov

Learn what makes a good transition and  discover why they are a foundation for so much more …..

All sessions are NO PRESSURE. Ideal for  YOUNG or green horses, NERVOUS riders or NEW PARTNERSHIPS.






Let’s Enjoy Our Horses – Making the Most of Darker, Longer Evenings in 2020

By | Sports coaching

This Autumn and Winter, we will once again be at Amanda Leaker’s lovely indoor school on Wednesday evenings.  The sessions are no-pressure, sociable evenings designed for confidence-building and setting a firm foundation so that you can come out of Winter ready to enjoy long hacks, fun rides, dressage competitions or riding club activities as soon as the weather allows.

Alison Payne uses modern coaching and learning theories to help you discover how to get the most out of the time with your equine partner.

Focussing on confidence-building and building a firm foundation for your future, this series is ideal for green horses, nervous riders, new partnerships or people just wanting to get out over the Winter.

The Philosophy for these lessons is:

¨ No pressure

¨ Leave with a smile

¨ Celebrate small achievements

¨ No pace too slow

¨ Be sociable

¨ No question too silly

In short: enjoy yourself while you learn

Sessions are every Wednesday in the indoor school at Park Dressage, Goytre NP4 0AL starting from September 23rd,  5pm, 6pm and 7pm

Lessons are £25 per person with 2 or three per group

Flatwork pole-work or jumping





I am your coach..

By | Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development

Remember this: as your coach I am there to help you. If it’s a technical question, I will answer it, so you don’t have to post on social media or spend time searching.  If I don’t know the answer – I’ll find a way of getting it.  (I won’t guess! I’m a scientist by trade, so I like a good evidence-base).  If it’s something more human or intangible, that’s fine, I’m there to support you.

It might sound odd, but you could think of me as a kind of ‘Professional Friend’. I might not be the person who knows your inner secrets and gives you a hug when things go wrong, but I am the person who is keen to see you on your feet again.  I’ll be helping you to see clearly (again), helping you to recognise and define your goals and seeing you head off onto a path where you can feel confident, get your mojo back and achieve the things that you so want to do.

I am your coach, but this doesn’t end when our meetings finish.  I am there – on the phone, at my keyboard and I’m always happy to help you via any (reasonable!) medium. Instant messages, texts, phone calls, skype, e mail. Oh, and let’s not forget – I love a good cup of coffee, so meeting up is always a winner.

But, you know what?  You don’t even need to have a problem. You don’t need to feel down to get in touch – you might have something exciting to tell me: I won a new contract, the new job’s going really well, I won a rosette at the horse show last weekend.  Being a coach means that I can take vicarious pleasure: seeing the success of others is great.

You Are Amazing!!

By | Coaching and Mentoring, Personal Development

You are amazing.                       You are unique.                         You are you.

So, I sometimes start off workshops or coaching groups by asking people to consider why they are amazing.  I don’t ask them if they are amazing, because I know that they are.

It’s a difficult question for most people because we grow up looking at role models and seeing what people around us do – and frequently it leaves us feeling that there is still more to do for us to emulate them.

That might be true, but what we forget is that we have our own personal bits of amazing-ness that they don’t have.  We rarely see the people who look to us a role models because nobody ever says ‘Hi there, you are my role model’.  It would probably feel rather creepy (for us) and maybe embarrassing for them. So, here is a story for you; if you’ve met me, you will almost certainly have heard me mention my Mother.  She is amazing.  Not just now (as I am old enough to appreciate it), but when we were younger too.  She is strong and determined but unconditionally loving. She is compassionate and gives her time freely to many causes. She is busy. She takes care of herself.  When family focus was on me and my brother, she made her own clothes with designer labels so that she could have the best clothes even if they weren’t from a shop. She worked hard in a hospital and worked hard for the family. She found time, even then to do things for other groups as a volunteer. If I can add to peoples lives like she has and if I can grow older gracefully, elegantly and by keeping busy like her, I shall be proud. She is my role model. Yet it was only last week that I told her.

So, what makes you amazing? It might not be something really obvious, maybe it was something you did for someone years ago that made a difference for them though it was just part of your nature.  Maybe you are brilliant with spreadsheets; able to run fast; fab at fixing stuff; good at getting things done.  Did you visit an unusual place that left you in awe and wanting to tell other people? Did you complete a plan in difficult circumstances? Have you overcome a tough time and come out the other side smiling again? Did you do something that you thought you could never do?  Have you kept an unusual pet?  Did you make someone laugh this week? The list goes on, but you get the idea? What makes you amazing might be something quite small, but which makes you unique.

What’s the point of this? Well, a common request in my coaching conversations is to help improve self-belief. As in so many instances, it is really about searching to find those things that you know about yourself but which have got forgotten, lost or hidden under other things. Once we start to delve, you’ll find those bits of amazing-ness for yourself and the only challenge then is to say them aloud and recognise them for what they really are.

Go on, try it.  Think of something amazing about yourself and just tell the cat/dog/goldfish/houseplant. Simply saying it out loud is a great first step and might just give you that initial, positive step towards realising who you really are.