Where: Zoom chat
When: Monday 22nd February 2021, 7pm
Join us to get with some tips on how to regain your mojo for schooling
- Are you feeling aimless in your schooling?
- Always thinking of reasons to go and hack or do something other than ride in the school?
- Feeling guilty that you aren’t doing more in lockdown?
- Wondering if keeping horses is just about mud and mucking out?
If so, the good news is…You are not alone!
First things first: this session is FREE! – £0.00
We are all having a tough time and I’ve had lots of people supporting me, so I’m trying to ‘pay this forward’.
Second, it isn’t a lecture!
Grab a coffee/wine/gin/cookies/chips/chocolate and join us to share your tips on how to keep schooling interesting when we have so little that we can plan on doing with our horses at the moment.
Please register by e-mailing arpayne@tiscali.co.uk. I’ll send you a link, but please don’t share it with anyone: first come first served and I’m limiting places to 15 so that we can have a useful conversation. Thank you.