
to define

your career.

Sort - Sift - Solve.

Career coaching can be really helpful at just about any stage of your career.

Career coaching can help you to:

Dreaded going into work one day?

Felt as though you are failing at your job?

Worried about achieving the objectives that you’ve been set?

Felt as if you are just trudging towards retirement?

Do you ever wonder:

How on earth you’re going to get promoted?

Whether you’ll ever be able to apply for a different role?

Whether you are on the right career path?

Worry about your work –life balance?

Feel guilty that work takes up so much time/emotional effort?

How on earth other people can be happy in their work?

Have you ever:

Dreaded going into work one day?

Felt as though you are failing at your job?

Worried about achieving the objectives that you’ve been set?

Felt as if you are just trudging towards retirement?

If you can identify with any of these, then career coaching could help you to hurdle your barriers and head towards the job that you really want to do.

Sometimes, all we need is to SIFT through the all the ideas and thoughts in our minds, SORT out which are really relevant and then we can start to SOLVE the questions associated with any career or life transition.

Very often, we head into a career without truly understanding what makes us who we are: if we can be authentic, then we can start to make good career decisions. Bolstering your confidence and self-belief means that you will be well-positioned to deal with any challenges that you might face.

So, if you want to develop yourself or your career; if you are facing transition or change in your life or job; or if you’re about to start on a new challenge, then career coaching could help you to make that move comfortably and effectively. You can step into the future with your eyes wide open and the confidence that you are doing the right thing.

Being guided to your own, personal decision is more powerful and sustainable than any ideas which are given to you. It’s human nature to ‘make things fit’, but when you have the confidence to be patient and to have a clear understanding of your own beliefs – and how they fit into your world- then you can really start to de-stress and enjoy what you are doing.

Being guided to your own, personal decision is more powerful and sustainable than any ideas which are given to you

What can coaching do for me?

Career coaching can help you to:

Decide on the right career path

Make the transition from a technical to a leadership role

‘Sell yourself’ effectively to potential employers

Understand and address your work/life balance

Rediscover your mojo

What does career coaching provide?

Clear time to think – sift and sort your thoughts

Quality time for you

A confidential environment for discussion and reflection

The chance to talk to someone outside your usual circle

An experienced coach to act as a sounding board and ‘Professional Friend’

How does career coaching help?

Helps to provide clarity on your own beliefs, values and ambitions

Improves self-awareness – identifying what you are best at and what you like

Offers you a conversation that guides, supports and challenges your thinking

Highlights your priorities, identifies your goals

Provides you with support for practical steps towards your goals

Who is career coaching for?

Anyone looking to change their role can benefit from career coaching.

Small business owners, MDs and CEOs or anyone in a role where they are looking for further development can benefit from coaching. Running a business or working in a high-pressure job can be a lonely experience and having time set aside for guided reflection can help you to stand back and take the opportunity to see new ideas or plans. The safety of a confidential conversation with an objective person can often provide just what is needed in the way of a sounding board.

What do clients say about coaching?

Being able to talk at length about … my personal barriers, as well as strengths; and how I can start to approach ways of thinking that improve my self-perspective a bit!

It was great to actually have time to reflect on my own practice and discuss where I need to go next. It allowed me to lift a lot of weight off of my shoulders.

It was good to come away with a ‘bigger picture’ of myself and what I am doing / how / why, as you don’t often get this opportunity

Want to work with us?

Think career coaching might be for you?

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